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11 Easy Side Hustles That Make Money In 2024

Easy Side Hustles That Make Money
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I have found 11 easy side hustles that make money in 2024, and I’m not just going to discuss them with you. I am also giving examples of people who have become rich doing these things. So this is going to provide you with some perfect ideas, whether you want to make a little bit of money on the side or whether you want to develop it into a full-time business eventually. If you appreciate me making these efforts, go below and let me know by writing a comment in the comment section.

1- Selling dirt

The number one easy side hustle on the list will be selling dirt. No, not the famous Alice in Chains album, the actual dirt. That’s right. You will be selling the ground that people walk off, and it’s a dirty business. Suppose you don’t believe me that you can get rich from this. Check this story of a guy who did. He was a guy from Ireland who moved to the United States, and he noticed at Irish funerals that many Irish people wanted to sprinkle Irish dirt on their coffins.

So he noticed a gap in the market, and he was able to supply people with Irish dirt to sprinkle on their coffins at their funerals or wakes. But that’s not the only type of dirt-related business you can profit from. In many cases, you can make money by moving dirt. So, for instance, you can make about $150 to $600 on average for 10 to 15 cubic yards delivered. You can make the same amount of money if you provide sand, and garden centres typically sell 40-pound bags of topsoil.

These, of course, will be used by gardeners to plant things like vegetables. So yeah, as you can see, there is opportunity all around you, even the ground beneath your feet. Now, is this the best opportunity on the entire list? No, but I will give it an opportunity score of 7 out of 10. 

2- Flea Market Flipping

The following easy side hustle will be something I’ve done myself, which is flea market flipping. This is the art of buying and selling undervalued items for a profit. In this particular case, you’d be doing it at a flea market, So flea markets are usually open on the weekends. These are places where anyone can buy or sell their wares, and there’s an excellent article on the Side Hustle Nation about a guy who turned his little side gig doing flea market flipping into a full-time six-figure operation.

Now, there are so many different ways you could make money doing this. You could determine what types of things sell well at flea markets, buy them online in bulk, and then go to the flea market and sell them yourself. You could go to the flea market and start looking for deals. Both of these only require you to know what things are bought and sold in the market. A lot of the time, people will sell these in places like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or eBay.

Easy Side Hustles

This is something that I used to do with products like eyeglass cleaner or credit card knives, and there were times when I made over a thousand dollars in a single day doing this. So yeah, this can be a perfect opportunity. You only have to know the market value of different things. What people are willing to buy and sell things for? So one thing people commonly do this with, for instance, is shoes.

If you’re a sneakerhead and are really into buying and selling shoes, you probably have a pretty good idea of what different types of shoes are bought and sold for, so that would be a good thing for you to get into. So overall, this is one of the oldest side hustles known to man. I will give this one an opportunity score of 9 out of 10. 

3- Creating Online Courses

The following easy side hustle is going to be creating online courses. Now, this one is highly profitable if you do it the correct way, and the reason it’s so worthwhile is because it’s incredibly scalable. You create the course one time, and you don’t have to do anything after that. There’s a girl on TikTok who made over a hundred thousand dollars in a single day selling online courses that teach people how to use Excel.

So, just as an example, let’s say you get a thousand people to go to your sales page for an Excel course. Right? Then, 2% of those 1,000 people buy your $100 course, which means you would make two thousand dollars in sales. There are zero overhead costs. So, this is one of the most scalable and sought-after business models out there. This is the closest thing you’ll get to actual passive income online.

Now, you can create your course and host it on your website. You can also host courses on websites like Kartra, Teachable, or Kajabi, and then some websites do the marketing for you. So, websites like Skillshare and Udemy make it easier than ever to make money from online courses. So overall, I will give this one a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

4- TikTok Affiliate Marketing

The following easy side hustle will be TikTok affiliate marketing. This is the art of promoting products that others own, getting a small percentage of the sales, a.k .a. you’re an affiliate on TikTok. So, one example that pops into my head is a very controversial figure named Andrew Tate. Then, he created an affiliate product where other people would promote it all over the internet. This was a pretty reasonably priced product. I think it was $50, and the affiliates would get 50% of the sale.

Some people were making like $50,000 a month promoting these products, and there’s an example of a 24-year-old. That works about two hours daily, producing over 8 thousand dollars monthly. She got laid, got a waitress job, and then started entrepreneurship. She began as a fitness coach but wasn’t making enough money. She was also working ridiculous hours. So, she started creating content on TikTok, starting affiliate marketing, and finding immediate success.

So, yeah, this is another one; there are tons of opportunities. But I think this is probably where just about anybody could do it. You have to talk about things that you’re passionate about, the right things that you’re already really good at, or things that you enjoy, and then you mention them in the video—but overall, I will give this one an opportunity score of 9.5 out of 10. 

5- Print-On-Demand Services

The following easy side hustle will be print-on-demand services, so you’ve probably used print-on-demand before, but you might not have even known it. But this is where you order a t-shirt or something like that online with a design you like. What you didn’t realize is they never even printed the t-shirt in the first place. They only print it once; you order it, and if you think about it, that’s a very efficient way of doing things. If you print the t-shirts out first, you’ll probably have to print a thousand of them, and you don’t know how many people will buy them.

So you’re taking a considerable risk, and then on top of that, you have to store all of those t-shirts, and storage can be costly, and that is where print on demand comes in. It’s very efficient because they only print the t-shirt once someone has ordered it, not just t-shirts. You can print just about any clothing. There are also mugs, stickers, canvases, and anything you can think of that involves printing something. This is something that I just started checking out recently.

11 Easy Side Hustles That Make Money In 2024

I think there’s a ton of opportunity right now, but there will be an even more massive opportunity when they start doing what’s known as 3D printing. So, I think very shortly, they will have print-on-demand for 3D products, and I think everyone knows what 3D printers are. For example, you design a Halloween costume and create it yourself using a 3D interface. Then, you can buy it, and a 3D printer will print it and ship it to you. Think about how cool that is and how many other things you could use this for.

So I think there’s a ton of opportunity right now, and there will be even more opportunity in the future. There’s a remarkable story about an Ex-Walmart cashier who made 6 million dollars in revenue in three years by selling things online. Now, there are so many different websites. You can do this with. You can use Etsy. You can use Amazon; even Walmart is getting into it now. This one is pretty good. I’m going to give it an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

6- Audiobook Creation

The following easy side hustle is going to be an audiobook creation. So, if you have a charming voice, let’s say you’re listening to this and have a proper British accent. Audiobook creation might be a perfect one for you to get into. This is basically where you read a book out loud, and then people who like to consume that type of content by listening to it on websites like Audible will end up purchasing that audiobook, and then you would get a cut of that purchase.

An example is a 34-year-old mom who quit her job as a music teacher and now makes six figures doing precisely this. So, she was only making about 30,000 a year as a music teacher, and she had tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. Then, she became an Audiobook narrator and started making six figures yearly. She’s almost entirely paid off her and her husband’s student loan debt.

This isn’t just a side hustle. You could also do it as a job narrator and earn between $46,000 and $80,000 annually for audiobooks. So yeah, this is another relatively easy to get into. It’s excellent. If you have a charming voice, I will give it a 7 out of 10 opportunity score.

By the way, comment below your favourite side hustle, and maybe I will make an article on it or at least include it in a future article. 

7- Car Sharing

The following easy side hustle will be car sharing, where you rent out your vehicle to others when you’re not using it. So some people do this, for instance, when they go to work, if they’re going to be at work for an extended period, they’ll just rent their car out to another person, and you can do this on a website like Turo. Turo is basically like the Airbnb of car sharing, and there’s an example of a mom who makes $ 6,500 a month simply renting out her car when she’s not using it.

So, yeah, this one is pretty straightforward. Not much to say about it. How much you can make probably depends a lot on the area you live in, But yeah, this one is pretty good. I give it a 6.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

8- Home Organizing or Decluttering Service

The following easy side hustle will be a home organizing or decluttering service, where you transform a chaotic space into an organized heaven. Interestingly, nearly 25% of Americans admit that their garage is so cluttered that they can’t even fit their car inside. I saw a story of a 25-year-old who makes $65 an hour and $4,000 a month. Helping people declutter their homes, but you can make a lot more than that. For instance, professionals make about $78,000 to $144,000 a year.

There are even books about this; people have made millions of dollars teaching others. How to do this for instance, Marie Condo, a world-renowned decluttering expert, has made millions and millions of dollars reading books and teaching people how to organize and declutter their homes. A lot of people out there actually like cleaning and organizing. It’s therapeutic for them. So, if you’re one of those who likes to do this, you could make money with it. I’ll give this one a 7.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

By the way, if you think of anybody who can use this, maybe a friend, a family member, or someone who wants to make money with side hustles. Go ahead and share this article with them.

9- Selling Custom Clothing Line

The following easy side hustle on the list is exciting: selling a custom clothing line. Now, I know you’re thinking of starting a custom-made clothing line. It sounds like a ton of work, and not everyone can do it. That’s true. If you try to create an international brand, that would be a ton of work, but many people start a local custom clothing brand and then sell it on localized social media platforms, like TikTok or Facebook. They try on the clothing and do it on camera, and it’s usually live.

Easy Side Hustles That Make Money In 2024

They’ll have people bid on the clothes live in the comments section on either TikTok or Facebook. Then, when someone buys it, they have to pay you or send you the money, and then you ship it to them. This is especially good if you’re selling local type clothing, so clothing that has something to do with the local place where you live.

So this is a new way of making money that I’m seeing many people doing, and some people are crushing it doing this. So overall, I will give this one an opportunity score of 7.5 out of 10. 

10- Pet Training

The following easy side hustle will be pet training, which will be especially good for you if you like spending time with animals. So, this could be anything from training dogs. How to do tricks, to teaching cats how to poop in the sandbox? If you don’t think you can make money from this. Here’s a story about a female dog trainer who became a millionaire. She’s known as the Dog Talk Diva and owns the Dairydell Doggie Dude Ranch and training centre. You can do this as more than just a side hustle or business.

You can get employed doing this, and pet trainers make about $36,000 to $57,000 a year. So, yeah, this one’s pretty good people. They love their pets, and they’ll do anything for them, and they’re willing to spend a bunch of money on that. So, I’ll give this one an 8 out of 10 opportunity score.

11- Pet Photography

The following easy side hustle on the list will be pet photography, believe it or not. This is another highly profitable side hustle. As I said before, people who love their pets love them. Here’s a story of a photographer who switched from doing other types of photography like wedding or portrait photography into pet photography, and they started making thousands and thousands of dollars a month; fun fact.

The earliest known animal photograph was taken in 1842 by a French photographer, who took a photo of a cow, right? You have to pick a specific niche, and pet photography is a particular niche. Even if you get employed, you’ll earn around $37,000 to $60,000 annually. So, I’ll give this one a 7 out of 10 opportunity score. 

Easy Side Hustles That Make Money: Your Path to Financial Freedom

In this hustle-driven era, unlocking extra income need not be complicated. These easy side hustles offer a gateway to financial independence, from freelancing gigs to pet training. So, take the leap, explore, and let your bank account flourish! By the way, If you haven’t checked it out already, I wrote an article on How to Create Multiple Streams of Income in Your 20s – 7 Top Ideas, and you can check that out by clicking right here.

Arslan Farooq

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