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13 Best High Income Skills Worth Learning: Essential Guide to Landing Remote Jobs in 2024

High Income Skills Worth Learning
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In today’s digital-first world, the quest for financial freedom and work-life balance has led many to seek out remote jobs that offer both flexibility and a considerable income. The key to unlocking these lucrative opportunities is acquiring high income skills worth learning.

As we enter 2024, the landscape of remote work has evolved, demanding a new set of proficiencies that promise competitive pay and the luxury of location independence. This guide delves into the 13 best high income skills worth learning this year, each a stepping stone towards a thriving remote career.

From tech-savvy expertise to creative mastery, these skills are your arsenal in the battle for high-paying remote roles that are as rewarding as they are challenging.

1- Closing

Number one high income skill on the list is closing. This is a type of sales job, but it’s at the end of the sales process. So basically, you’re the last person they talk to in the sales process. You’re responsible for getting them to say yes and buy the product; typically, this will be for a higher ticket type.

That’s why you give people on the phone with you. There are tons of people out there that are making money doing this. For instance, this person on Reddit says they work about two to five hours a day as a remote closer, and they make six figures a year. This is not uncommon at all. So, for instance, sales closers on Glassdoor make $90,000 to $155,000 a year.

Then, if you go one level above that, which is an account executive, this is somebody responsible for an account or usually many different accounts. They are responsible for keeping the person buying the product, you know, if it’s on a month-to-month basis or in some cases even as sending them to a higher level product, they make about $89,000 to $159,000 a year.

So, lots of opportunities here. Sales is probably the best skill you can learn. It’s the most valuable skill in the entire world. I’ll give this one a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

2- Sales in General

The following high income skill is sales in general. So, all the other sales jobs are in that process. For instance, appointment setting would be a type of sales job. This is where you interact with the prospect; then, you qualify them to see if they’re a good fit for the products. Then, if they are, you pass them off to somebody on the sales team.

Typically, another one would be a cold caller. This is somebody who cold calls different businesses to do that same process, but you will do it immediately on the phone. Yet, you can also make a lot of money with these positions. Typically, it’s not as high-paying as closing positions, but it still can be pretty good.

So sales representatives, for instance, make about $79,000 to $143,000 a year. Another commonly referred to is a BDR or SDR, a business development representative or a sales development representative, which can be good. I’ll give it a 9 out of 10 opportunity score.

3- Email Marketing

The following high income skill is email marketing. There are different types of email marketing, but this is marketing where you get some kind of email in your inbox; they give some sort of value to the email. Then, a lot of time, they’ll give you an offer, and email marketing is still one of the absolute most profitable types of marketing.

They estimate you earn between $35 and $40 back for every dollar you spend on email marketing. So it’s incredibly profitable. Cold emailing is one of the most valuable skills you can learn within email marketing. This is where you send somebody who has no idea who you are in an email. This is done to either initiate the sales process or network with them.

This is a precious skill to learn because if you get good at cold emailing, you can network with just about anybody worldwide. Then it’s also perfect for initiating the sales process. An email marketing specialist makes about $53,000 to $81,000. So, another super valuable one. I’ll give it an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

4- Copywriting

The following high income skill is copywriting. To be honest with you, this is one of my favorite things to do. This is selling with the written word, and it’s also being persuasive using the written word. So, if you’re the type of person who enjoys writing, you will love copywriting, and there are copywriters out there who make a million dollars plus a year.

For instance, Laura Belgrade started a million-dollar, one-person copywriting business. Junior copywriters who get in more at an entry-level position will make $55,000 to $85,000 a year. Senior-level copywriters make about $79,000 to $131,000 a year. So there are also some excellent paying jobs as well.

So, copywriting is incredible. I think it’s a super valuable skill to learn. Also, for the correct type of person, it’s amusing. I’ll give this one a 9 out of 10.

5- Software Development

The following high income skill is software development. Now, I think all of, you know, this software development coding is a precious skill to learn. So, I’m not going to go over it for too long. I’ve written about this one extensively on this blog, but if you think about it, it’s one of the best ways to use leverage.

So, one person can create a website, an application or a piece of software that millions of people can use if you think about it. So, the amount of leverage you have with software development or coding is much more considerable than any other type of skill you can have, and that’s why I’ve been teaching myself a little bit of software development over the last few years.

It’s honestly pretty fun as well. Software engineers, for instance, make about $113,000 to $177,000 a year. Plus, there are many other types of jobs out there that you can go into with coding. This one’s impressive. I’ll give it a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score, although it’s not for everyone. 

6- Content Creation

The following high income skill is content creation. Now, it’s as much leverage as software development gives you, which gives you tremendous leverage. The truth is many people already create software that allows you to have that leverage in the first place. One of the ways you can do this, for instance, is by creating content.

So, some brilliant software developers created things like YouTube, where you can create content and reach millions of people, and this is precisely what every YouTuber does. So, YouTube is incredibly lucrative. There’s no social media platform where people make a hundred million dollars yearly other than YouTube.

Many people make 100 million dollars a year on YouTube. The coolest thing is you can just talk about what you already know or share your journey of learning something new, and you don’t have to be a genius to do YouTube. I honestly think anybody could do this because YouTube is about authenticity and sharing what, you know, with the world. So, this one gets a 10 out of 10 opportunity score. 

7- AI Prompted

The following high income skill is AI prompted. Now, this is a skill that has just come around in the last few years. This is how you communicate with AI, a very specialized and valuable skill set. It’s not well-defined. So you can learn this very quickly, and you can get into jobs very easily.

Not only can you get jobs doing this, but you can also freelance or start your own business. Some agencies, for instance, will go into companies, analyze their processes, and see where they can fit AI into those businesses to streamline their processes and make them more efficient. According to Glassdoor, AI prompt engineers make about $177,000 to $272,000 a year.

But even by using AI to create content, you can make good money. For instance, AI content creators make about $61,000 to $104,000 a year. So, AI prompting is a super valuable skill to learn. It’s going to get even more helpful in the coming decade. I’m gonna give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

I want to give all of these, like, a 9.5 or 10, but they’re also good that I have to do relatively. But honestly, all of these are great, depending on your personality.

8- AI Machine Learning or Deep Learning-Related Skills

The following high income skill is AI machine learning or deep learning related. So, this would be a very advanced type of programming. But if you can learn anything related to AI machine learning or deep learning, holy cow, you can make a ton of money. These next 10 years, it is ridiculous how valuable the skill set is right now.

For instance, there’s a story of this 33-year-old who makes $250,000 a year as an AI research scientist. Machine learning engineers make about $126,000 to $187,000 a year. AI research scientists make, on average, about $137,000 to $199,000 a year. There are also a lot of opportunities when it comes to freelancing, starting your own business, etc.

It is an unbelievably valuable skill to learn, but also very difficult. You have to have a big brain to understand this. So for that reason, I’m gonna have to dock it, you know, a pointer two. I’ll give this one an 8 out of 10 opportunity score, but it can be significant if you are a big brain.

9- Data Analysis

The following high income skill is data analysis. So, you’ve all heard that data is more valuable than oil or gold. I think this is a little bit easier to learn than coding. It’s also relatively easy to get many people into data analysis without getting a college degree and, in many cases, without having previous experience.

Data analysts make about $66,000 to $103,000 a year. Business analysts make about $74,000 to $16,000 a year. Data scientists make about $132,000 to $190,000 a year. So, it is super valuable to learn. I’ll give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

10- Project Management

The following high income skill is project management. So, project management is fantastic because it’s kind of like entrepreneurship with training wheels. You’re responsible for launching and managing a project within a company. So you’re almost like a little mini CEO within the company, and you have to be able to wear many different people’s hats and understand all of their jobs.

So, just as an example, there’s this 21-year-old who started off working at Facebook as a project manager at 17 years old and four years later, as a 21-year-old, he is now a millionaire. So, project management is a super valuable skill. Also, you can move into higher-level roles after acquiring good project management skills, such as operations manager or product manager.

You can even move into executive roles; project managers make about $78,000 to $129,000 a year. So, project management is a super valuable skill set to learn. I will give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

11- Anything to do with Blockchain Technology

The following high income skill is anything to do with blockchain technology. Now, this is a cryptocurrency blockchain, etc. This is a massive industry, and it’s getting bigger every year. So, if you’re gonna learn software development and are already passionate about cryptocurrency or blockchain, you might as well learn blockchain development.

Average blockchain developers make about $86,000 to $142,000 a year, and even blockchain consultants make about $95,000 to $168,000 yearly. That’s not necessarily developer-related; it could have more to do with the product or marketing side, etc. So, super valuable skill set to learn. I will give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

12- IT or Cybersecurity

The following high income skill is IT or cybersecurity. It’s a little bit more tedious, not going to lie, but it’s easy to get into I.T. Then, you can get into cyber security from I.T., a valuable skill. Now, I’ve talked to my friends; I’ve had friends that do I.T. cyber security and software development. Most say software development is much more fun than IT or cyber security.

But with that being said, it is much easier to get into I.T. This is one you should consider very easy to get into without a college degree or previous experience. So this is a great way to get your foot in the technology industry, especially the IT part, and then cybersecurity-related jobs can pay exceptionally well. So, I love this one, and I’ll give it a 9 out of 10 opportunity score.

13- Entrepreneurship

The following high income skill is probably the most valuable. You can learn if you want to achieve financial location, time independence, and entrepreneurship. So, as a kid, I got into self-development. I was all about productivity, studying, working out, eating healthy, and improving myself, which led me to entrepreneurship.

I have to say that entrepreneurship has been. What has helped me develop myself more than anything else is that entrepreneurship will push you to your limits. It’s one of those things where you must dial everything else to be successful. So, it helps you to become your best self.

So, even if you fail in entrepreneurship, I honestly think it’s one of the most valuable things you can do because it will help you become your best self. It will help you become a better employee because you think about things from the perspective of a business owner, and to become an entrepreneur, even if you try to become an entrepreneur, you have to have extreme self-accountability.

So, I love entrepreneurship, which is probably the most valuable skill. You can learn. I will give this one a 10 out of 10 opportunity score. I think everyone should try it at least once.

Empowering Your Future: Mastering High Income Skills Worth Learning for Remote Work Success in 2024

As we wrap up our exploration of the 13 best high income skills worth learning for remote work in 2024, it’s clear that the future of employment is not just about where you work but how you work and what skills you bring to the table. In a world where geographical boundaries are becoming increasingly irrelevant, mastering high income skills worth learning is more than a mere advantage—it’s necessary for those aiming to thrive in the remote job market.

The journey to acquiring these skills may be challenging, but the rewards are undeniable. With dedication, persistence, and the right resources, anyone can elevate their professional profile and open doors to a wealth of remote opportunities. As we look ahead, let’s carry forward the lessons learned and the skills honed, ready to embrace the flexibility and financial rewards remote work offers.

Remember, the work landscape is constantly developing, and so should you. Keep learning, keep growing, and let the high income skills worth learning be your compass to navigating the exciting kingdom of remote work in 2024 and beyond.

By the way, I have written an article about remote jobs that went viral. It’s “Explore 17 Best Entry-Level Remote Jobs in 2024: Positions and Pay Revealed,”. You can check that article.

Arslan Farooq

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