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Unleash Earnings: 11 Proven Fiverr Jobs for Beginners to Master

Fiverr Jobs for Beginners
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So, I’ve been researching the best Fiverr gigs out there. The best opportunities right now are on Fiverr, and these are, in my opinion, the 11 proven Fiverr jobs for beginners. The best gigs that you can start on Fiverr. Most of these don’t require any previous experience or a college degree or anything like that. They’re relatively easy to start and make money with. Let’s explore them.

1- Linkedin Optimization

The number one Fiverr job is LinkedIn optimization. LinkedIn is becoming more and more common for landing a job. Or if you have a B2B business that provides products or services to other companies. LinkedIn is an incredible place to reach them. So, it would be best if you optimized your LinkedIn profile properly. I’m still shocked sometimes when I see people’s LinkedIn. It’s just not well-optimized.

So, whether you are trying to get a job or you’re trying to get more business, optimizing your LinkedIn profile is extremely important. Some people specialize in this on Fiverr. So, typically, it’s also relatively easy to do. It costs about $20 to $100 per optimization, and training somebody else to do it would be relatively easy. This is something that I think will just be getting more and more common and more and more needed over the next few years.

Proven Fiverr Jobs

So this is a pretty good one, and it’s one that I wanted to put on the list. Of course, it’s best if you specialize. So, if you specialize in B2B LinkedIn optimization, you can probably charge a lot more than that, for instance, because you will be working with businesses. For example, you can charge more if you specialize in LinkedIn optimization for executives. So, there are many opportunities here for specialization and niche.

You want to see precisely what happened with the resume market because this is the same thing that happened with resumes where, at first, it was just like, oh, all right, any resume for anyone. Now, it’s starting to specialize in niches, down to the point where there are resume writers for particular types of careers. The same thing is going to happen with LinkedIn profiles.

So, if you can look at resumes and see which ones are the most popular, chances are it will be the same for LinkedIn profiles, which will take a very short time. So, those are my tips to you on that one, guys. There are lots of opportunities there. I’m going to go ahead and give this a 9 out of 10 opportunity score. 

2- Fiverr Arbitrage

The next Fiverr job is Fiverr Arbitrage. This is something that you can do with a bunch of different services. What you do is you find a perfect gig on Fiverr, and then you sell that same process or that same service that they’re selling on a different platform such as Upwork, and then you have the Fiverr gig, do the work, or maybe even sell it on your website. So, you’re acting as the middleman, like the marketer, and as the middleman between the Fiverr service gig provider and the end user.

Now, guys, you might think this is wild, but so many businesses do something similar. I’ll give you an example. A few years ago, there was an agency that would set up Discord servers for people, and some of these people had massive audiences or were running lots of ads. So, these are Discord servers. You’re going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year if not millions a year, and they were charging five to ten thousand dollars to set up these Discord servers correctly.

But the thing is, I happened to know that they were outsourcing it to Fiverr. So there’s one particular gig provider who’s good, and he just did a fantastic job. He charged a few hundred bucks, and they outsourced it to him. So these companies were paying them, like, $10,000. He was outsourcing it to this gig provider for $200 to $300, and then he was profiting over $9,000 from the difference. Now there’s a little bit of extra work. There’s more communication and stuff like that, but overall, he made a significant profit.

So, that’s basically how Fiverr Arbitrage works. So if you can find an excellent niche that’s popular on Fiverr, but the end users aren’t aware that it’s on Fiverr, or maybe it’s a good niche, but most of the Fiverr gigs aren’t good, but you find one that’s good. Then you can act as an intermediary and collect the profit in between, so, perfect one. I’ll give this one a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score because many people secretly do this, and you’re unaware of it. 

3- AI Services

The following Fiverr job is AI Services. So, different kinds of things are AI-related. AI can either do the job for you, do a significant amount for you, or help you do the job better or faster. There are tons of these, such as AI consultants, AI video editors, AI prompt engineers, and AI content editors. There are so many different options out there for this.

Of course, you have to figure out, you know, how to properly prompt the AI and how to get it to give you a sound output, and that can be somewhat difficult, but overall, many different AI-related services are available right now. I wrote an entire article about it. You can read it simply by clicking here, but there are good opportunities here. I’ll give this an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

4- Online Life Coaching

The following Fiverr job is online life coaching. So this is where you give people life coaching advice. This could be many different areas of life, from career coaching to happiness to relationship advice, all kinds of stuff like that. This is very common and profitable, and some people are doing this on Fiverr. Like almost any other niche, the key here is to niche down. You want to get specific and specialize in something in a niche.

However, life coaches generally make about $54,000 to $92,000 a year, and you can make even more if you do freelancing or start your own business. Now, I’m not going to lie. The absolute best way to do any coaching or life coaching is not necessarily to put it on Fiverr; instead, what you would want to do is you would wish to ticket a coaching service like a high-touch coaching service. You work closely with the person over time to achieve a specific outcome.

Then, you would promote that on YouTube. So you’d have a YouTube channel where you’re making content, and then you’d have some high-ticket coaching service. This is, without a doubt, the optimal way of getting people results because online courses, such as one-on-one coaching sessions, don’t get great results. If it’s just a one-off type of thing, it isn’t going to get someone results but having a particular set of criteria.

A course that you go through, followed by a timeline of precisely each step they need to take, and then accountability and coaching along the way to achieve that goal that they initially set out to achieve has been proven over and over again to get people results. So that is a perfect one to get into.

But to be honest, this is a Fiverr article. So, if it’s just Fiverr, I’ll give this one maybe a 7 out of 10. You can make some money here and there with it, but if you also do YouTube on top of it, it would be much higher. I would give it a perfect 10 out of 10 if I’m honest. 

5- Social Media Manager

The following Fiverr job is social media manager. This is a gig that you can also offer on Fiverr, and there are a lot of different social media management-related gigs you can offer. For instance, you could make a content calendar for somebody. You could make some content for their Instagram account. You could make a specific type of carousel that they want. You can edit their video in a way that looks good on Instagram. There are all kinds of different gigs out there.

One that got popular lately, Dan Co, kind of like this black and white type of Instagram style that got extremely popular, and people offering that as a gig on Fiverr made a ton of money from it. So that would be one example of what you can do now. Social media managers, In general, make about $52,000 to $82,000 a year. So it’s just an outstanding career in general to go into. I will have a perfect skill set to learn, but you can also make a ton of money with social media management-related stuff on Fiverr.

The best thing about this is that if you’re young and grew up using social media, that’s pretty much all you need because you already understand social media on a much deeper level than older people. So you’ll probably be extremely good at this job, so yeah, this one’s perfect. There are lots of different gigs related to this. I’ll give this one a 9 out of 10 opportunity score. 

6- Slideshow Presentation Creator

The following Fiverr job is to create slideshow presentations. So this could be something like a pitch deck, slideshow, or some way of pitching people on buying your product, investing, or something along those lines. If you don’t think you can make money from this, there’s this 33-year-old who brought in $2 Million making PowerPoints. So she was making PowerPoint presentations for people. She was doing freelance work on these different freelance websites.

Fiverr Jobs

So, you can make money by creating different PowerPoint presentations and that kind of thing. Of course, as always, I know I feel like a broken record, but if you want a niche down or you want to specialize, you look out the market. Look at which ones are getting the most attention. Look at which ones can charge the highest and which freelancers can make the most money. Also, looking at the market’s needs can be good. So, for this one, I’ll give a 9 out of 10 opportunity score.

7- Image Background Removal

The following Fiverr job involves image background removal and gigs related to it. So, for instance, you might remove the background on a particular product, and then you might, you know, use Photoshop, some shadows behind it, or something like that to make it look perfect. There are lots of different gigs doing this. AI recently has gotten incredibly good at removing backgrounds before, like, even two years ago.

I was not very good at doing it, but now it’s perfect. It’s as good as a human who goes in for hours and removes one pixel at a time. It’s as good as a human doing that now. So you can earn a ton of money doing this, and there’s a lot of need for it out in the market. A few years ago, I paid 500 bucks to some guy to remove a bunch of pictures and move the background from a bunch of photos for me for thumbnails.

So, this is a good one. It might get saturated relatively quickly because many tools exist to do it. So, for instance, and remove the image background. I’ll give this one a seven out of 10 opportunity score. 

8- Podcast Writing

The following Fiverr job is podcast writing. So, this is where you write different outlines for what people should discuss on other podcasts. So this isn’t necessarily writing word for word what they should say because that would be difficult. Still, in some cases, maybe they would want you to write it word for word, but what it is is just giving them an outline to go through so that they know what they should talk about next every time.

So, for instance, if they’re going over various news events, you almost create a newsletter or an outline. For them to go down the list and talk about these different things, maybe you insert a few of your points and perspectives here and there, and they can talk about them, or maybe not. So, this can be good. Podcast writers generally make about $68,000 to $119,000 a year.

There’s a lot needed on the market for this position, and not many people out there can do it. So, if you like to listen to podcasts a lot, this can be a good one, and I am starting to see more and more gigs related to it. So, I will give podcast writing an 8 out of 10 opportunity score. 

9- Proofreading & Editing

All right, so a few boring ones. I will review these quickly because you probably already know them, but they’re still pretty good at proofreading and editing. I know nobody wants to do proofreading. Nobody wants to do editing, but there’s still a lot of opportunity, and many people are looking for this type of thing. If you can do an excellent job on it, I know it’s boring. But you can make a good amount of money.

In general, they make about $45,000 to $68,000 a year. It’s not the sexiest side hustle to do, but there are a lot of gigs out there for this. So, I’ll give it a 5 out of 10 opportunity score.

10- Data Entry

The following Fiverr job is data entry. So, there are still some types of data that you have to enter even though AI is getting good manually. Maybe you have AI, do it for us, and then you double-check the AI to make sure it didn’t make any mistakes. But there are still a lot of gigs related to data entry out there. AI is increasing the number of freelance opportunities for data entry because it has been streamlining and eliminating some data entry jobs.

Fiverr Jobs for Beginners to Master

But that means that instead of hiring somebody full-time, they might hire a freelancer for it. So, data entry is still relatively good. I’ll give this one a 6 out of 10 opportunity score. 

11- Fact Checking

The following Fiverr job is a fact-checking gig. So, this is becoming more and more common among people, especially in the United States. They do not trust the news at all. It’s probably because the news constantly lies to them for an excellent reason. Probably, it’s just a pretty much-undisputed fact. If you look at the data, pretty much nobody trusts the news. There are different efforts out there to fact-check things.

Sometimes, people might wonder if you would want to fact-check the fact-checkers, but there are a lot of gigs out there for this type of thing—fact-checking and just making sure that information is correct. Fact-checkers, a general just for a job, make about $57,000 to $100,000 yearly, but fact-checking on Fiverr is popping up.

It’s a new and developing niche because you probably don’t need to hire someone full-time to fact-check, but you might want to hire someone for a gig to fact-check some things. So, this can be a pretty good one to get into. I’ll give it a 7.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

Seizing Success: Mastering Fiverr Jobs for Beginners

Embarking on your Fiverr journey can be the first step towards financial freedom and professional growth. As you’ve discovered, beginners have numerous opportunities to carve out their niche and start earning. From fact-checking to LinkedIn optimization, each of the 11 proven jobs offers a unique path to success.

Remember, the key to mastering Fiverr jobs for beginners lies in consistent learning, quality service delivery, and client satisfaction. Keep honing your skills, exceeding expectations, and watching your Fiverr profile flourish. With dedication and the right approach, you’ll unleash earnings and establish a rewarding freelance career.

So, leap and transform your passion into profit. Your journey to mastering Fiverr jobs for beginners begins now—embrace it confidently and enthusiastically!

These are some of the ones that I’ve seen lately, and they have been growing. I know there is a lot of demand for these in the market. So definitely check these out. But if you haven’t read our last blog post titled “10 Best Side Hustle For Everyone To Earn Cash”. You can check that article out by clicking right here

Arslan Farooq

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