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19 Rare Side Hustle Ideas That Demand in 2024

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Today, I have come up with 19 rare side hustle ideas that are in demand in the market and that you can do in 2024. These are side hustles I’ve either tried myself, in my circle have tried, or my team has done extensive research on and with every single one of these. I will give you an example of someone who succeeded with them. My team and I do over a hundred hours of research on each of these articles to provide you with the best possible information. So, if you appreciate that, go down and gently write a comment for my team and me, or if you have any suggestions or queries, ask us.

1- Buying and Selling Domains

The first side hustle idea is buying and selling domains. So, every website has a domain name; for instance, you’re reading this on Some specific domain names are worth more than others; for example, sold for 345 million dollars. Some words end up trending. For example, the word acquisition has been trending in recent years.

buying and selling domains side hustle

So, if you can get on top of these trends and purchase domains related to the trending words, you can profit from them. You can often purchase domains on websites like Hostinger or GoDaddy for $10 to $15. You’re smart; you can sell them for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It’s kind of like being a virtual real estate tycoon now. Another excellent website I like researching domains with is

So, this one is perfect. I know a guy who’s been doing this since 2010 and every single year, he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars flipping these domains. It’s relatively passive because you hold the domain until you have an excellent offer and then sell it. So, I’m going to go ahead and give this one a 9 out of 10 opportunity score. 

2- Selling Beats Online

The following side hustle idea is going to be selling beats online. Now, I know what you’re thinking, Arslan. I’m not good with music. I don’t know how to make beats. How in the world can I make money from this? Well, it’s a lot easier than you think. You don’t need to be Kanye West or Jay-Z to make an excellent beat because many of the beats that sell well are very simple and designed to be used in background music, video games, or videos.

But if you’re talented, you can also produce beats, and rappers or pop stars might buy them from—a good article on about music producers making over a hundred thousand dollars a year doing this. Now, another way of making money doing this is not by selling them but just posting them on YouTube. So many people, for instance, will make what’s known as binaural beats. These are meditation tracks that are at different frequencies that help you study.

In some cases, people will use them to meditate. Some of these get millions of views, meaning if you enable ads, you will make tens of thousands of dollars per video. So yeah, there are a lot of opportunities when it comes to making beats or sounds or rain tracks, meditation tracks, or binaural beats tracks. It’s not as complicated as you think it is.

Once you make them, you can post them on SoundCloud, Beat Stars, or YouTube. So overall, I wouldn’t do this one unless I’m passionate about music, and it is a little bit harder to make money with this one than many of the other ones on the list. So, I will give this a 6 out of 10 opportunity score.

3- Selling TikTok Accounts

The following side hustle is a lot easier to make money by selling TikTok accounts. So this works by getting good at growing TikTok accounts to a certain level and then selling them online. So, TikTok accounts with 1,000 subscribers or followers will sell for around five dollars. It can sell for much more than this if you make them in specific niches, and a lot of the time, creators will buy one of these accounts rather than get started.

That way, they start automatically with a few thousand followers, and there are websites like where you can buy and sell accounts. So yeah, this is another pretty good one. I will give it a 7.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

4- Computer Repair

Let’s talk about the side hustle you can do in your local area: computer repairs or technical support. So this is going to be for the technically savvy people. You can make a ton of money doing this, and you would advertise your services for repairing or doing technical support for people on something like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. So often, if your desktop or laptop is running slow or stopped working, you have a choice: buy a new one for several thousand dollars or try to get your existing one repaired.

computer repair side hustle

If you do this, you’ll earn around $19 an hour. But if you start your own business, you can make much more than this. For instance, computer tune-ups are usually about $80, computer dirt and dust cleaning is around $40, electronic and solder repair is about $50, and game cartridge cleaning and repairs are about $30 plus. Repairing the computer might only take a few hours, and you can charge hundreds of dollars. Another thing you can do is provide a technical support setup.

So, for instance, I hired somebody to set up the technical side of my podcast, and you can charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for that. So, yeah, there’s lots of opportunity here. I will give it an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

5- Digital Marketing Consultant

The following side hustle is a digital marketing consultant. To become a digital marketing consultant, you must be an expert on the type of digital marketing you’re talking about. That’s why I highly recommend specializing in a particular niche. So, there are many different types of digital marketing out there. You’ve got SEO, which is search engine optimization.

This is basically where you create search engine-friendly articles so that they show up at the top of Google; another type of digital marketing is what’s known as pay-per-click; this is typically done on, and those are the ads that show up at the top. Another type of digital marketing is paid social media marketing. These are the ads that show up on different social media websites, like Facebook or YouTube.

Email marketing is another type of digital marketing, and I think everyone knows what that is. So yeah, you want to specialize in one of those areas, and then I also recommend specializing even further. So, for instance, you could be an e-commerce SEO specialist or a software email marketing specialist.

I have another friend who lives in India who makes over 30 thousand dollars a month, and he specializes in creating what’s known as Landing Pages. These landing pages typically sell some information product, right? So, if someone from India can make $30,000 a month doing this, you can also do it. So, this one is an incredible opportunity. I’m going to give it a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

6- Personal Chef or Catering

The following side hustle is being a personal chef or catering. So this is a huge opportunity right now. I recommend making meals for people and then delivering them to their houses. Typically, these people have a decent amount of money and want to save time and eat healthily. But at the same time, eat stuff that tastes pretty good. In many cases, they might have specific diets that they follow or dietary restrictions. So, for instance, you might specialize in making keto-friendly food.

So, this could be an excellent option if you love cooking or are just really good at cooking. The same applies to what I said before; it’s best to niche down with this. So, for instance, being someone who specializes in cooking keto-friendly foods would be great. An example is a chef who quit his job, started being private, and now makes more money working part-time than working full-time at a restaurant. So yeah, this is another perfect one. You can make a ton of money doing this. I will give it an 8 out of 10 opportunity score. 

7- Fitness Coaching for Old People

The following side hustle is fitness coaching for older adults, and this is precisely what it sounds like you will be doing fitness coaching. Still, you’re going to be doing it specifically for older adults. Now, why do it for older adults? Well, older adults tend to have much more money than young people. A person makes over $500,000 a month teaching dads how to get into shape. He’s a French guy whose YouTube channel is called Papa in shape.

Now, there are many different ways you could do this. The easiest way to get started is through one-on-one sessions; typically, you’ll charge $70 to $180 per hour. So yeah, this one is great. You can make a ton of money with it. Of course, it does help. You can also do this online if you live in certain areas with older people. That’s another way to make money with it.

Another thing you could do is create an online course, online training, or an entire program. That is delivered online. So yeah, this one has a ton of opportunity. I’m going to give it an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

8- Gardening Services

The following side hustle will be gardening services, where you offer landscaping, lawn care, and gardening maintenance services. If you don’t think you can make money with this, in a Reddit post of someone making $110,000 a month in revenue and about $30,000 to $40,000 a month in profit, they were able to grow that business within three years.

gardening services side hustle

Now, if you do this as a Job, you would make between $20 to $30 per hour; starting, experienced gardeners make around $60 to $88 per hour, but of course, you can make much more. If you do it as a side hustle, you start your own business. So yeah, this is another pretty good one. You’d probably want to be someone who enjoys doing it or, you know, a lot about it, but I’ll give it an 8 out of 10 opportunity score. 

9- Local Tour Guide

The following side hustle is being a local tour guide, where you would be a tour guide for tourists that come to your city. Of course, this will be better if you live in a town where many tourists visit. You can take them to excellent restaurants. Take them to specific landmarks in the city and explain the city’s history to them as well. Typically, you will make around $200 to $250 per four-hour tour and then make tips on top of that.

So, it usually ends up being between $50 and $80 an hour, but like I said, it depends on where you live. So yeah, this one is pretty good, but it depends on where you live. So, I will give it a 7 out of 10 opportunity score. 

10- Personal Shopping Business

The following side hustle is starting a personal shopping business, which is precisely what it sounds like. You go and do the shopping for someone else. So, if you like shopping, this could be a perfect opportunity for you, and there’s a great article about a Michigan man who earned a hundred thousand dollars as a shipped shopper. Now, there are many different ways that you could do this. For instance, you could be a holiday shopper, going out and buying gifts for people.

You can also start shopping using a website like You can also use apps like Instacart to shop for food for people. Yeah, lots of different options for this. Some will be much higher paying than others, but some, like Instacart, will probably give you a steady, stable revenue. So there are pros and cons to all of them, but overall, I will give this one a 6.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

11- Freelance Web Developer

The following side hustle is going to be a freelance web developer. Now, web development is where you create what people see on a website. So you’re going to be coding the website. Now, you might be thinking Arslan coding is way too hard. I can’t learn that, but web development is probably the most accessible coding type. Specializing in specific languages and frameworks is the secret to making money. Now I know that a few types of web development are a lot easier to make money with than others. One of them is Shopify, web development.

Another is learning the coding framework known as react, and another is learning anything related to the cloud. So, some of the standard stuff you’d want to research is Azure or AWS, which are Amazon Web Services. If you learn any of those three types of things, it’s super easy to make money online doing this. I saw an article about someone who can know web development and start a web development side hustle that generates $7,000 a month and passive income.

If you get a job as a web developer, you tend to make around $69,000 to $115,000 a year. So yeah, this one is perfect. There is a little bit of a learning curve, for sure. You won’t be able to make money with it in two weeks. Probably it is going to take you some time to learn it. But overall, I will give this one a 9 out of 10 opportunity score. 

12- Social Media Creator

The following side hustle is going to be a social media creator. This one will take some time, most likely before you start making money, although there are some niches where you can start making money immediately. But you’re going to be creating content on social media. Now, I recommend creating what’s known as a personal brand, where you create content as yourself rather than starting some company name or faceless channel.

side hustle

It’s much easier to make money if you do it yourself because people don’t want to buy from faceless companies or corporate entities. They want to buy from other people, so you can do something as simple as starting to create content. Then, using what’s known as affiliate marketing, someone buys if you put a link in your description or the pinned comment below to get a percentage of the sale. So you can start reviewing some of your favorite products. For instance, you can put a link in the description in the pin comments, and then when someone buys it, you get a small amount.

So yeah, there’s a ton of money for content creation. Of course, my favorite platform to do this on will be Instagram, Facebook, or any social media. I make over six figures a month doing Instagram. But yeah, this one is incredible. I honestly think it’s probably the best side hustle you can do. The only downside is that you’ll probably not make money immediately. It will probably take you at least a few months to get the ball rolling. But overall, I will have to give this one a 9.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

13- Resume Writer

The following side hustle is becoming a resume writer; this one is perfect if you’re already working on a career. So, let’s say you’re already working in an SEO career, right? So you’re like an SEO content writer. It would help if you specialized in resume writing for that exact career now. Why is that? Because you know what will look good on a resume for that career? So you can help people land a job if you do that, and there’s a story on of a thirty-five-year-old teacher who brought in two million dollars in revenue from his resume writing side hustle.

So again, the secret here is to make sure you choose a particular niche. Suppose you’re just a general resume writer; not only will it be tough for you to make money, but on top of that. In that case, it’s going to be hard for you to create perfect resumes because all the different jobs have specific characteristics, and the only way you’re going to be able to recognize what a good resume looks like is if you write those types of resumes all the time and preferably if you’re in that career.

So this is a good one. There is a ton of opportunity here. I had a friend who was a management consultant, and he started as a resume writer for management consultants. He eventually ended up having a seven-figure-a-year business. So, I will give this an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score.

14- Language Tutoring

Let’s talk about language tutoring now. This is probably one of the most common side hustles or online jobs that people do out there, and you probably have already heard about this one, but I thought I would go ahead and mention it anyway. So many kids worldwide want to learn English, and many want to know all kinds of different languages, but English is the most common. There are many other websites out there. You can get hired to teach these kids English through many additional services. This is especially good if you are multilingual.

So one example of a website like this is, where some people specialize in teaching, and others make millions of dollars a year. For instance, the channel English with Lucy makes four thousand dollars a month, which means she makes around 4.8 million dollars yearly. So, yeah, this is still a perfect side hustle. Is it a little bit saturated now? Just because so many people know about it. Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get into it. I’m going to give it an 8 out of 10 opportunity score. 

15- Garbage Collector or Garbage Cleaner

The following side hustle will be a garbage collector or cleaner. Someone is paid to come and clean things up and collect garbage. In many cases, you’d either take that garbage to a dumpster or recycle it. So garbage cans can smell nasty, and the people who typically come to collect them don’t clean them. So you can make money and monthly recurring revenue by creating deals with households to come and clean their garbage, maybe once a week.

So that’s another way you can make money doing this. You even get a job as a garbage collector. You’re going to make around $39,000 to $57,000 a year. Another way you can make money doing this is by having a large vehicle or a truck; not only would you collect the garbage, but you’d probably collect large amounts of garbage. Then you would haul it off, and any moving company would make a lot of money, especially if you add that it’s garbage that you’re moving. So yeah, this one has a lot of opportunity. I will give it a 7.5 out of 10 opportunity score, although it’s probably not the most glamorous side hustle on the list. 

16- Blogging

Another perfect side hustle where you can make a ton of money, but you have to have a lot of patience, is going to be a blogger. So this is basically where you write and create what’s known as a blog, and on this blog, you would create optimized articles, and you can make money from the blog itself when Google shows ads on it. But you can also make money from affiliate marketing whenever you put products or services on your blog and eventually sell your products.

Blogging side hustle

This is one of those side hustles that takes a lot of patience because you’ll probably not make any money for an entire year. It’ll probably take you a year and a half to two years to get to the point where you’re making as much as you would in a job. But with that being said, this is one where it’s highly predictable. If you do the work and create excellent content, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll eventually start making money, and it becomes relatively passive.

Once you’ve written those articles, they’ll keep getting views over and over again throughout the years. So this is a perfect side hustle. The only downside is you must have a lot of patience because you won’t see any of that money for an extended period. But overall, I will give this one an 8.5 out of 10 opportunity score. 

17- Interior Design Consultancy

The following side hustle is an interior design consultancy, and this is basically for people who are good at making lovely feng shui-like interior designs, right? You’re good at making a house into a home. So, if you have perfect aesthetic taste when selecting couches and putting paintings on the wall, this could be an excellent opportunity. I saw a cool YouTube video about someone who started an interior design side hustle, and they ended up being able to pay off $98,000 in debt in 25 months.

Doing this as a career will make around $55,000 to $85,000 a year. This can be a perfect opportunity for you. Of course, you’d probably start advertising on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, which you would typically do in your local area. It’d be hard to do interior design over the Internet, but this one’s pretty good. I’ll give it a 7 out of 10 opportunity score.

18- Selling Stock Photos

The following side hustle is one that many people know about, but it’s still pretty good: selling stock photos. So, you take stock photos or videos and put them on different websites, and if somebody likes them, they might buy them. Now, you might think that you have to take super amazing photos. Still, in many cases, people are looking for a more amateur look when it comes to their photos and videos, or in some cases, they might just be looking for something peculiar, and stock photographers, in general, make about $49,000 to $79,000 a year and I think everybody’s heard of this side hustle.

selling stock photos side hustle

There are tons of people making six figures a year doing this. You can work on websites like Shutterstock or Istock, earning between 20 and 60 percent of the royalties when people buy it. So yeah, this is a pretty good one. I’m going to give it a 7 out of 10 opportunity score. 

19- Travel Agent

The following side hustle will be a travel agent, and this is one where you would specialize in a particular area. So, travel agents are professionals who help people who are vacationing book and organize their vacation. So, for instance, they would ensure people’s visas and the visa process is handled. They would ensure that the flights are taken care of and that accommodations are reasonable. But they also help with transportation and recommend restaurants or places you should visit. Is it right? So, a good travel agent will have the practical side of things down, but they’ll also know the perfect things you can do while you’re there.

So that your travel ends up being extremely fun. Of course, as I said before, the only way to get good is by specializing in a particular area. Preferably, it would be an area that you live in or are very familiar with, and many travel agents out there don’t specialize, and that’s why this is an ample opportunity for you if you do. There’s a story about a travel agent who made over $250,000 during the travel industry pandemic lull. So yeah, this is a pretty good one. I will give it a 7 out of 10 opportunity score. 

Conclusion for these Side Hustle Ideas

Today, I discuss 19 side hustles in different fields. As far as I know, a side hustle is an activity of making money in addition to your primary income, whether a job or business. A side hustle helps you to achieve financial freedom. Now you have to go through all of these and choose one for you, and my suggestion is to go with your interest.

If you go with your interest, your chances of success are probably 70%, and the rest of 30%, with your effort and side hustle, which one chooses by your interest is good for you. That is all for today. I also share some side hustles on my recent blog. You can also check this “4 Best Side Hustles Jobs From Home in 2024” by clicking the title.

What is a side hustle?

As far as I know, a side hustle is an activity of making money in addition to your primary income, whether a job or business. A side hustle helps you to achieve financial freedom.

What is a good side hustle?

If you go with your interest, your chances of success are probably 70%, and the rest of 30%, with your effort and side hustle, which one chooses by your interest is good for you.

Arslan Farooq

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